In the self-help course, which I am studying, I have been struggling to keep up with the pace of the course. Video content to watch. Worksheets to complete. Journaling to do. Online tests to complete. And lots and lots of thinking to be done. I thought I might be able to shortcut some of the work because I had done it before. I would be able to keep pace. Apparently not. I had to revisit some of the work I had done a while back. Especially around strengths and personality tests. I needed to look for common threads. Especially careers that were repeatedly recommended. Topics of interest that would repeatedly come up. I would kick myself. Beat myself up for not working enough on the course. It doesn’t matter that I have a family, just moved house, very busy at work, president of a toastmasters club, struggling to train in martial arts. If it is important to me, I would make the time. And then proceed to beat myself up some more. Then I came across an interesting concept. Minimum Viable C...