The problem You have 9 dots set out in a 3 by 3 shape. 3 dots in each row and 3 dots in each column. Without taking your pencil from the page you must draw four straight lines that pass through all 9 dots. Here are some of my attempts to answer the problem: I have tried as many different combinations as I can think of but to no avail. Thinking outside the box What I didn’t realise, was that I had made an unconscious assumption when trying to solve this problem. I unconsciously made a box around those 9 dots. I assumed I was not allowed to go outside of that box. The four straight lines must stay within the box. Once I was aware of this assumption, things changed. I started thinking outside the box. Now that I removed that assumption, my perspective on how to solve this problem changed. I viewed the problem from a different angle. I became a little excited with new possibility. Perhaps a little light bulb has even lit up above my head. I now had permission to d...