Change ‘Something that no longer remains the same’ ‘An act or process through which something becomes different’ For me, I am always looking forward, into the future. What’s over the horizon. What is the next goal. What is next on the to-do list. I can struggle to stay in the present and can struggle to think of the past. But if we want to change. If we want to become something different. We have to become something new. I can have a tendency to concentrate on what that new me will look like. What would they do? How would they think? How would they behave? I forget to consider that to become something new I have to let go of the old. I have to realise I will be letting go of the old me. I have to let go of the person I was yesterday to become the person I am today. I have to let go of the person I am today to become the person I want to be tomorrow. That feeling of letting go of your old-self may be difficult for some of us. It is like the...