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Showing posts from June, 2019

Letting go of your old-self

Change  ‘Something that no longer remains the same’  ‘An act or process through which something becomes different’  For me, I am always looking forward, into the future. What’s over the horizon. What is the next goal. What is next on the to-do list. I can struggle to stay in the present and can struggle to think of the past.  But if we want to change. If we want to become something different. We have to become something new.  I can have a tendency to concentrate on what that new me will look like. What would they do? How would they think? How would they behave?   I forget to consider that to become something new I have to let go of the old. I have to realise I will be letting go of the old me. I have to let go of the person I was yesterday to become the person I am today. I have to let go of the person I am today to become the person I want to be tomorrow. That feeling of letting go of your old-self may be difficult for some of us.  It is like the...

What if we have a limited amount of courage?

Courage ‘The ability to control fear and to be willing to deal with something that is dangerous, difficult or unpleasant’ Courage is doing something despite being afraid. To have courage, you need to feel fear. If you are not afraid, then there is no courage. We see many people do great things, and we wish we could be like them. Do what they do. We believe they are courageous. But if what they do is no longer difficult, then they are no longer afraid. If they are no longer afraid, then they are no longer courageous. To stay courageous, we need to keep doing difficult things. Unpleasant things. Even dangerous things. But what if we only have so much courage. A limited amount of it. How would we choose to use it? Start with the end in mind It may sound a bit morbid, but have you ever thought of your own death, your own funeral? Not the funeral that would happen now if you died today. The kind of funeral you would want to see for yourself in the future. After living a full, long and happy...

Does feeling stuck ever go away?

I started this personal development journey a long time ago. I looked at my life and realised I wasn’t happy. But I had everything on the outside that a happy man should have. A beautiful wife, two young children, a relatively well-paid job, family and friends. But it was inside where I was unhappy. I was looking at the world from a negative place. I would whine and moan about life. About being sleep deprived, from the two young children. Not having enough time to spend some quality time with my wife. Not being as fit as I used to be. Looking down at the dad bod I now had. Not having time to see family and friends. Not having the energy to do anything. Not having the motivation to do anything about the above.  So I looked in the mirror and realised I needed to change. To change on the inside. I was angry and frustrated with life. I was around 30 years old. Surely I should have life sorted about by now. I should know what I am doing. I should be happy.  I did what only I knew I...

Arthur Boorman

On this journey of life. This journey to live a life we love. Do we not need hope? Do we not need belief? Do we not need to know the impossible is possible? Let’s see if we can find some. Mr Arthur Boorman served in the American army as a Paratrooper. As a paratrooper, you jump out of planes wearing a parachute and heavy backpack. With a big gun, you try as quickly as possible to land without dying. Then get involved in the fight. These jumps are hard and damage your body each time you do them. The cumulative damage builds up over time, especially to the knees and back. Boorman served in the Gulf war. Unfortunately, he got injured so badly he was medically discharged from the army. After the army, Boorman worked as a special educational needs teacher. His health, fitness and well-being declined. Doctors told Boorman he would never walk unassisted again.  Over a 15 year period, Boorman’s weight ballooned to 297lbs. He required knee braces, a back brace, two walking canes and a wheel...

Building a life you love, one brick at a time

Building a life you love, one brick at a time    We do all this work to build a better life, a life we love. We get up early and go to bed late. We read personal development books. We listen to podcasts. We watch motivational videos. We do all sorts of tests on strengths and personality types. We spend time reflecting and journaling. We practice mindfulness. We burn the candle at both ends because that is the only spare time we have. The rest of the time we are working the normal 9 to 5 job, raising a family and trying to enjoy the life we have.   Is all this self-work and side hustling worth it?  Clarity  With all this self-work we do, some things get clearer and some things still remain a little hazy. Some things we like, some things we are not sure of and others we just plain old don’t like. We allow ourselves to experiment. We allow ourselves to try, then see what happens.  If we have some clarity about what we are after. What life we want to build...